19 May 2010

welcome, little peeps!

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A week ago we went to our local farming supply store to pick up five new chicks! They are so darling. This year my son is old enough to be quite smitten with them. It is wonderful to watch him learn to be gentle and peaceful in their presence. What a nice lesson to learn. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly the little chicks grow. They seem to be a bit bigger each and every day. Soon, they will look like our other ladies, our independent Alice our Henrietta, our dear Eleanor! Welcome, little peeps!


  1. Such cute chicks and pretty hens. I was just at our local farm store, oohing and aahing over all the chicks, ducklings, and bunnies. I want to take them all home with me! Enjoy your babies!

  2. ohhhh my!!!!!! No words for this kind of sweetness.

  3. your photos are amazing! i love looking at things through "your eye!"


I read and cherish all of your comments! It really feels like such an honor that you stopped by this little space of mine. Thank you so much! Cheers!