17 June 2010

I made this simple bunting out of some vintage cocktail napkins. They came in a lovely set of colors and I stitched them onto some rose-colored bias binding. I thought they would be nice for a new baby gift or as a birthday banner with an embroidered message on one of the napkins. They are quite joyful to look at and they blow nicely in the warm breezes of summer. Oh, and I just love the idea of using cloth cocktail napkins. It seems so elegant and old-fashioned to hold them beneath a frosted glass housing a mint julep or a fresh cup of lemonade! 

And speaking of  Mint Juleps ::

For each chilled mug or glass, crush 4 sprigs of fresh mint leaves with 1 teaspoon superfine sugar and 1 ounce club soda in a bowl. Add 3 ounces of bourbon (Kentucky bourbon is best!) and let the mixture stand for 5 minutes. Strain into the ice-filled, chilled glasses (or the classic silver mug) and stir well. Garnish each with a sprig of fresh mint and serve with a straw!


  1. oh! i love your colorful bunting! where did you ever find those napkins? it makes me want to get to work on my vintage sheet bunting.

    mint juleps and was just talking about them with a friend last night. they make me think of "the great gatsby."


  2. What a great idea to use napkins, they look lovely, cheers Marie

  3. Love the bunting! very sweet! Thanks for sharing.

  4. i found you off sweet little life this morning. she was gushing over you, you know! i can see why! your blog is full of color and beauty and the most stunning pictures. this bunting is lovely, now if only i could find some vintage cocktail napkins!

  5. such a great idea - i love it! I think i've got a new summer project :)
    love your blog too! x

  6. That is very beautiful! I love vintage fabrics, the colors are always just right...

  7. thanks to your inspiration, i finally made these! have a look here: http://thenewdomestic.com/2010/09/handmade-bunting



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