26 October 2010

New on my sidebar is a link to Milkweed necklaces, an ever growing list of my necklace making adventures. Most are made from vintage glass beads and there are acorn necklaces as well. 

the end.


  1. So beautiful! I wear the acorn necklace you made me all the time - and I get many compliments on it!

  2. my heart fluttered a bit when i saw all of these beauties together in one place. i love my necklace with all of my heart.

  3. Your necklaces are beautiful! I enjoyed catching up on all the happenings and the beautiful photos that I missed out on while I was away. Lovely and inspiring as always. :)

  4. just found you ... great pictures, lovely blog!! come back :) have a nice weekend. katrin


I read and cherish all of your comments! It really feels like such an honor that you stopped by this little space of mine. Thank you so much! Cheers!