16 December 2010

almonds & butter & sugar, oh my!

This is by far one of my favorite cakes. We make it  for birthdays and holidays and for dinner guests. It is equally delicious with a sifting of powdered sugar and roasted almond slices or with a thin layer of jam spread on top while it is still warm from the oven (or all of the above!)I have dreams of slicing it in half and stuffing it full with a layer of cream. The recipe comes from Alice Waters and was passed down from a family friend.  Here is a link to the recipe (Oh, I am feeling a wee bit lazy!) The thing I find most important is that both the butter and eggs be at room temperature and of course the fresher the eggs the better! It also makes for a divine breakfast with a dark cup of coffee!
I hope you like it too!

1 comment:

  1. Found your cake from oneprettything.com (which was featuring your cute cake bunting, actually). I love almond flavored things - I'll try the cake for sure. Thanks for the recipe!

    -Holly in California


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