14 January 2011

So, I thought I would just go ahead and jump right back into it! It does seem this wee space of mine has been quiet for quite some time. The desire to work in this format, molding things into something visible and concrete really comes and goes for me. How about you? 

Anyway, we did go to a lovely dinner party the other night with our little one right there by our side. It was quite magical and otherworldly in many ways. I felt like I should have been in another era (which suites me just find since I often feel I should have been living long ago. Is that a cancer thing?)I wish my lips had been painted bright red and that some sparkly rhinestones had graced my ears and neck. Nonetheless, it was fun and the evening shouted out, "Please take some picture of me!". So here they are.

I also wanted to make sure that the start of this New Year did not go by for too long before I said a big thank you to all of you who  have stopped by here, who have taken the time to leave a comment, to say hello, or who have shared one of my crafts elsewhere. It brings me great joy and makes the world seem a bit smaller and more connected. I gulp a little time I push the carrot-orange, "Publish Post" button since I have discovered that I am by nature rather shy and protective of myself and family and home. Having this blog is almost an act of bravery for me, strange as that may sound. (Hey, is that a cancer thing too?)So, it is with tremendous gratitude for this space and for all of those who have become a part of it that I say thank you and happy New Year too!


  1. My desire to blog too waxes and wanes--hence why it has been almost 2 weeks since my last post--I am a sagittarius, however that might matter. Sometimes I just think this part of myself, the part that enjoys blogging, just needs to go into creative hibernation for a bit, so it can renew and re-energize...and sometimes I am just too wrapped up in other parts of my life to bother (even if I feel I should...). I do get guilt about not blogging--you too?

  2. ariana
    It is brave to share with the world. I don't know you, but I return to your blog to read and look whenever I have a quiet moment. Don't hesitate to push that orange button because by doing so, you do make the world seem like a smaller (and prettier!) place. Happy New Year to you!

  3. Thank you two for your thoughtful and supportive words. My desire to blog seems to wax and wane too. At times I just enjoy living in the NOW and unplugging for a good while! Hope this finds you two well! a


I read and cherish all of your comments! It really feels like such an honor that you stopped by this little space of mine. Thank you so much! Cheers!