04 February 2011

match box covers

We use candles quite a bit in our little house to mark special times of our day together. I have always been drawn to these little match boxes and thought it would be nice to cheer them up a bit. Simply trace, cut and glue on some nice paper to each side of the box. We used a different pattern for each side but whatever you fancy would be wonderful!

Wishing you all the loveliest of weekends and thanks again for stopping by!


  1. I love your little matchboxes all dressed up...the paper designs are so lovely...and the rosebud garland, I must make this. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. They do look lovely! I used to make small treasure-boxes from match boxes when I was a kid. Have a nice day!

  3. Oh, I really like these little matchboxes. They are so pretty!

  4. They'd make nice little boxes for your milkweed necklaces :)

  5. I love the lovely simplicity of these. Where did you get the paper? Is it origami paper?

  6. Thank you all for your kind words! Yes! It is just origami paper. I like that you can use up little scraps you may have laying about.
    Have a good weekend! a


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