04 April 2011

apartment love

I am so smitten with the images of this apartment. If I had to live in a city I think I could manage if I had a place like this to come home to. It is so bright and cozy and filled with treasures from nature. How nice.


  1. Lovely!
    I like your new header too..

  2. Now, that is one FABULOUS apartment! I looove the round mirror!

  3. I have these images saved in my 'lovely homes' folder on my desktop! Although I always wonder where people in these homes store ugly things like printers and humidifiers...

  4. Thanks! I am happy that you like my new header. I think I finally have one that will stay around for awhile. And where do people store all of their ugly household things? Maybe they just tuck them away in secret nooks for photo shoots! hmmm.....

  5. I love that mix of vintage furniture and the natural--so, so lovely. I agree--I could live in a place like this in a heartbeat.


I read and cherish all of your comments! It really feels like such an honor that you stopped by this little space of mine. Thank you so much! Cheers!