13 May 2011

lovely dresses

These handmade dresses are some of the most lovely I have seen. They are made in New York and are available here. Now, could some one out there please make one for me?

Read about D E S I G N on CRC here!


Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

p.s. Did blogger erase any of your posts today? I am re-posting this one because it seems to have magically disappeared. Hmmm...


  1. Yes, I had one missing post, but it reappeared. I read that from Blogger are working to restore everything lost. My bigger problem is that about 120 comments for my giveaway disappeared and... I am hoping they will miraculously reappear for the sake of the participants!

    Anyway, those dresses looks so vintagely romantic. They somehow remind me of Ida, Emil's sister. Have you read it? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emil_i_L%C3%B6nneberga

  2. Oh my! I do hope your comments have reappeared for your giveaway!
    I am glad you like the dresses to and I will go take a peek at the book you mentioned! All the best, a.

  3. How cute! I stumbled on your page while I'm on the hunt for style ideas - I'm having my engagement party in a few months and I want to buy my beautiful bridesmaids their sexy dresses, but I can't settle on which style I'm going to go for! Vintage, classic elegance, bright colors...? *sigh - choices, choices! Thanks for these cute ideas though; maybe not for my purposes currently, but they're absolutely adorable!


I read and cherish all of your comments! It really feels like such an honor that you stopped by this little space of mine. Thank you so much! Cheers!