22 June 2011

yarn bombing

I am quite taken with this new craze. The other night, after having some dinner across the river, I noticed our parking meter was covered in beautiful knit yarn. I've just read that there is a little trio of young gals who are leaving their secret marks around town. I hope they head this way soon. Isn't is amazing? 

Images From:

And a book about it here.


  1. Yarn bombing is so inspiring! Like alien marks so out of place and yet so attractive... Did you know that June 11 was the first ever International yarn bombing day?

  2. that last tree makes me crazy happy. I think I would have to hug it if I came across it.

  3. I saw the same kind near my place in Paris! My daughter and I thought it was so cute and unexpected! It really is very joyful and poetic.

  4. Yes, there's something about yarn bombing that makes me so happy to...and I love that it is popping up all over the world like it Paris! I think If I was a bit more gifted with the yard and needles I would be plotting my next move. Maybe I should give it a try! If you see any really wonderful ones do leave a link, okay? I would love to see it! Thanks for visiting! a.


I read and cherish all of your comments! It really feels like such an honor that you stopped by this little space of mine. Thank you so much! Cheers!