11 July 2011

stitch & hem...my is she good!

Here's a little peek at two gifts I got for my birthday a couple of weeks ago. They were made by my sister. The first is an egg collecting apron (an eggpron, as she calls it!) It has lots of pockets perfect for placing those fragile shelled eggs.
That's her beautiful wood button below. It is stamped with an s & h for Stitch & Hem, the name of her company.
She also made me the most amazing pair of pants out of a light weight gauzy blue cotton. They are almost too nice to wear!
I am a rather small gal so it always feels so nice to have clothes made just for me. I realize how often I go around in ill fitting garmets. It is so nice being drapped just perfectly and the fact that these pieces were made lovingly by my sister makes them all the better. And thanks to my other wee sis for being my, "model". We pretended we were on a photo shoot and she made me laugh out loud with her ridiculous faces and model antics. It was a wonderful birthday! Oh, I forgot to press the pants before taking some pictures. I was too excited!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, those pants are wonderful! And the apron is so cheery. Your sis is one talented gal!


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