14 January 2012


It is so nice to finally have some white stuff on the ground. Hooray for snow!


  1. Gorgeous pictures. I adore these wooly darlings in the snow.
    Wish we had a 'coat of white' here too.. Unfortunately Sweden is bare this season.

    x Charlotta
    Space for Inspiration

  2. Dearest Ariana!
    I just put up a tutorial on my blog for making fried egg out of felt and after having a peek on pinterest i noticed that your egg is almost the same as mine. I didnt know there was already a tutorial for an egg in this style (i saw one like these on a british crafts fair and tried one of my own) so i wanted to double check with you that it is okay to have the tutorial i wrote on my blog...it is mainly for German people anyway. Please let me know and sorry im writing in your comments but i couldnt find an email adress!

  3. Oh and i absolutely adore your blog after having more than one peek at your lovely photos ;)

  4. Yes! It is totally fine and so kind of you to ask! Can't wait to see your egg too!
    All the best, a.

  5. http://eulenstern.blogspot.com/2012/01/ei-ei-ei.html

    This is the one i did :) Glad to hear back from you, dear! *hugs*


I read and cherish all of your comments! It really feels like such an honor that you stopped by this little space of mine. Thank you so much! Cheers!