19 April 2011

cookie recipe!

A few readers were curious about the oatmeal thumbprint cookie recipe so I thought I would post it! I also added a simple one for almond thumbprint cookies from the same cookbook. Excuse all of the cookie photos...I just couldn't stop!
Oatmeal Thumbprint Cookies
3 Sticks butter, softened
1 cup brown sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
2-1/2 cups oats
2 cups flour (we used both whole wheat and white)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup raisins
1 cup chopped nuts (optional)

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Cream butter and sugar until fluffy.
3. Add egg and vanilla, beat well.
4. In a separate bowl, combine dry ingredients, including the raisins and nuts (if using).
5. Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients and blend well.
6. Roll dough into 1- inch balls and place on ungreased cookie sheets.
7. Flatten balls slightly and make a thumbprint in each cookie. Fill with jam.
8. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes.

Almond Butter Thumbprint Cookies
1/4 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup maple syrup
2/3 cup almond butter
1-1/3 cup whole wheat pastry flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/3 teaspoon salt

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Cream butter.
3. Mix in syrup.
4. Mix in almond butter.
5. Combine the dry ingredients and then add them to the wet ingredients. Mix well.
6. Roll dough into balls and place on a cookie sheet.
7. Press centers with thumb and fill with jam.
8. Bake for about 12 minutes.


  1. Thank you Ariana, I'm definately going to make these! :)

  2. How sweet of you to post the recipe, I am going to try it out!

  3. Your welcome! I hope they are yummy. The almond cookies can be a bit dry and are best eaten when they are warm. Thanks again for coming by you two? Cheers, a.

  4. oh my goodness these look INSANELY yummy! I'm going to try some... may even go to the store in the morning to get ingredients - yummo! Thanks for the recipe :)



  5. Hi Thea!
    Thanks for visiting and for leaving a little message behind. Hope you like the cookies too! All the best, a

  6. Thanks for the recipe, I'm going to try it this week-end!

    I really like your blog, your pictures are beautiful. Also I regret I didn't find your blog a few weeks earlier, because I would have made the paper garland for my daughter's 10 years birthday...

    If you want, come visit me there:

    Take care!

  7. Hi Anabelle!
    I do hope the cookies come out well! They are best eaten straight from the oven! I am looking forward to visiting your blog. Thanks so much for sharing it with me and for stopping by here!
    Hope you are well!

  8. Hello Ariana,

    I tried the cookies and they were really good! We had a great breakfast!

    Thanks again !!!

  9. Oh, I am so glad that you enjoyed the cookies, Annabelle! They would be nice for breakfast because they are not too sweet. That is what I like most about them. Take care!

  10. Hello!
    I tried the cookies... they were awesome! The only thing is, that I live in Mexico City and due to the altitude, I needed to bake them about 35-40minutes instead of 15-20 as you recommended.
    Thanks for an amazing recipe.

  11. Thoughtful blog, thanks for posting


I read and cherish all of your comments! It really feels like such an honor that you stopped by this little space of mine. Thank you so much! Cheers!