18 April 2011

oatmeal thumbprint cookies

When I was a Waldorf kindergarten teacher, I spent many, many mornings baking away with a tableful of eager little hands, so I was happy to see that many of the recipes had been gathered into this one, sweet book, The Waldorf Kindergarten Snack Book. I find  this cookbook handy and nice for a couple of reasons. One, is that all of the recipes can be baked or cooked in a morning (even the breads!)because they all come straight from Waldorf classrooms where one is challenged to bake an apple-crisp with twelve children in the midst of a busy classroom and have the table neatly set with a warm crisp in the center by a certain time! And secondly, they are all quite healthy, nourishing foods, sweetened with honey, and syrup and often made with whole wheat flour. We recently made these oatmeal thumbprint cookies and they were really quite delicious warm out of the oven and with a cup of tea! Do let me know if you would like me to post the full recipe, okay?

Have a lovely start to your week!


  1. Oh yes please! They look absolutely delicious! :)

  2. The cookies look delicious and I am looking forward to some more Waldorf recipes!

  3. I have this book and I love it!


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