15 November 2011

sweet paul

As usual, the holiday issue of Sweet Paul Magazine is darling as ever. Filled with sweet crafts and divine looking recipes. I'm sort of dreaming about taking one of his food photography and styling workshops one day. How fun!

And...I have a tiny new section of this blog called, "Currently Loving". See it over there? It's an ever changing list of sites that I am finding particularly wonderful.  When I find new ones I will put then at the top of the list and move the older ones on down to my link list!

Hope this finds you all well!


  1. I want to bake that cake on the frontpage! It looks fantastically christmassy.

  2. Hello Unni!
    Yes! I want to bake that cake too. It is so charming! Looking forward to visiting your space soon and hope that this finds you and your family well!
    Cheers, a.


I read and cherish all of your comments! It really feels like such an honor that you stopped by this little space of mine. Thank you so much! Cheers!