12 November 2011

to share.

I have been meaning to share these lovely teething toys and nursing necklaces by Koukku for a long time. Anna Koukku from Finand crochets over wood beads using non-toxic materials. I love the marriage of the natural wood with the brightly colored yarn. 

I am always so happy to get a letter in the mail and I loved the idea of this project.

I was so happy to be introduced to Covet Garden, a wonderful online magazine through this blog.
I will keep a link to them somewhere around here. 

There are more images on my little tumblr page! Take a look if you would like. Maybe there will be something that you like too!

Be Well!

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I read and cherish all of your comments! It really feels like such an honor that you stopped by this little space of mine. Thank you so much! Cheers!