Hello, I just recently discovered your blog, it is such a lovely place to visit! I was wondering if I might be able to use a few of your pictures on my own tiny blog (http://justhowlovelyyouare.blogspot.com/) of course linking to you, particularly your paper chain garland and sailboat tutorial. It's just a place to collect some of my favorite things.
I enjoyed your last post about the lavender bags, we have a lavender U-pick farm near us and I plan on visiting this summer. However I wasn't sure what to do with so much lavender! I'm sure they will have some more ideas at the farm as well. Thank you so much.
I read and cherish all of your comments! It really feels like such an honor that you stopped by this little space of mine. Thank you so much! Cheers! a
Hello, I just recently discovered your blog, it is such a lovely place to visit! I was wondering if I might be able to use a few of your pictures on my own tiny blog (http://justhowlovelyyouare.blogspot.com/) of course linking to you, particularly your paper chain garland and sailboat tutorial. It's just a place to collect some of my favorite things.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your last post about the lavender bags, we have a lavender U-pick farm near us and I plan on visiting this summer. However I wasn't sure what to do with so much lavender! I'm sure they will have some more ideas at the farm as well. Thank you so much.