Let's begin than, shall we?
{all images are from tamarmogendorff.com }
This is the work of Tamar Mogendorff and when I first saw it I was instantly smitten. I had seen a bit of her work here and there, but it was only after visiting her own site, and seeing the entirety of her work that I got rather giddy. There is just something so whimsical and other worldly about it. I love the hint of imperfection in all of those creatures. A lose thread hanging from a flying stork, the wrinkled fabric of a mushroom's skin.
Mogendorff's work is made out of cotton, linen, wool, tweed, vintage fabric, antique embroidery, pashmina and mohair.
Antique buttons, ribbons and beads are also used.
Dog, coral, polar bear, bird.
Oh, I love this artist too!